Evangelization calls all the baptized to work toward the transformation of the world. Some do this by working in the Church. The laity have a key role to play in the life of the Church through the exercise of different ministries according to the grace and charisms given to them by God.
The St. Eugene community seeks to engage our members through a wide range of activities, groups, events, and classes to get involved. You’re invited to find something that fits who you are and what you’re looking for in an activity. You will be better for it and so will our community.
PASTORAL COUNCIL:The prayerful visioning body of the Parish that works with the five commissions of the parish. Contact: Father Kelly, Pastor
FINANCE COUNCIL: A consultative body in finance with the primary responsibility of monitoring the budget. Contact: Father Kelly, Pastor
YOUTH MINISTRY AIDE: Assist Director of Ministry with activities onsite and offsite. Drivers and chaperones are open to adults of all ages. Contact: Mandi McGoffin, Director of Ministry, 405-219-0160
ST. VINCENT FOOD PANTRY: Teams or Individuals for food packing and/or dispensing. Contact: Laura Hayden, parishioner, 580-819-0959
CATECHIST: Engage school-age children in prayer and activities to encourage them in developing a personal relationship with Christ Jesus and expressing their faith according to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Catechists are needed for Wednesdays 5:30-6:30pm & Wednesdays 7-8:00pm, August through May. Contact: Lisa Reese, DRE, 580-330-1833
CONFIRMATION SPONSOR: Adults who offer companionship and faith sharing to someone in the Initiation process for Confirmation. Contact Lisa Reese, DRE, 580-330-1833
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TO NURSING HOMES, HOME BOUND/ILL: Women and men who visit and bring Communion to area nursing homes, the home bound, those recovering from illness, or in area hospitals. Contact: Father Kelly, Pastor
FUNERAL LUNCHEONS: Women and men who set up, serve, & clean up or provide salads or desserts. Contact: Mary Auge, Coordinator, | 580-302-0125
FUNERAL MASS SERVERS: Adults to assist as Altar Servers at funerals. Contact: Saray Gracia, Parish Office
FLORAL COMMITTEE: Share your gifts and talent by assisting with the enhancement of the liturgical celebration (flowers, plants, seasonal decorations, etc.) and caring for the live plants throughout the church. In addition to sharing artistic and horticultural talents, there is a need for assistance with the organization, storage, care and maintenance of decorating supplies. Contact: Dana Hoffman | 580-774-9812
MUSIC MINISTRIES Entrance into all ensembles is by audition. For more info and audition times, Contact Barbara Daniel, Music Director | 580-774-7837
CANTOR: Vocal song-leader at Mass. Must be able to sing in tune with and without accompaniment and lead congregational singing. Contact: Barbara Daniel, Music Director
MUSICAL ENSEMBLE: open to all instruments. Must be competent on your instrument and comfortable playing in ensemble, in tune and in tempo. Good sight-reading helpful. Contact: Barbara Daniel, Music Director
FUNERAL CANTOR: Sings for Parish Funerals. Should be available on weekday mornings, be able to sing in tune and follow director. Contact: Barbara Daniel, Music Director
LECTORS:Proclaim God’s Word to the Assembly during Lord’s Day liturgies. Open to parishioners of all ages who have been Confirmed. Training will be conducted. Contact Tim Reese, parishioner, 405-535-3547
USHERS/GREETERS: Individuals and/or families to welcome others arriving for each Lord’s Day liturgy. Commitment is half an hour prior to Mass time Contact: Saray Garacia, Parish Office
ALTAR LINENS:Washing and ironing of purificators and corporals, etc. Contact: Saray Garacia, Parish Office